Monday, December 26, 2011

Lil Gameplay video

This is my Sith Inquisitor in all his glory...for the time being. He is only a level 26 at the moment.

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Here are some early screencaps of my Sith Inquisitor! I am currently wrecking havoc on Tatooine.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Jedi Graphics

So messing around trying to come up with some new idea's for a friends costuming group I came up with these.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Galacticon Poster

Back when I resided in Virginia and was a member of the Tidewater Allaince Star Wars Fanforce, the group hosted an annual Sci-Fi convention called Galacticon. On its second year, I put together a poster that could be placed in different places to gather interest for the convention. This image is not the original, it is the updated one for 2010. Only difference is the date. everything else is the same.

House of Night Kinship

Back when I first started playing the MMO Lord of The Rings Online, I had an idea to start a Kinship, otherwise referred to in most games as a guild. I named this Kinship "House of Night" after a favorite vampire book series I was reading at the time. But anyways, here is the banner I created for the Kinship Website. Enjoy.

Maritime Expeditionary Security Squadron II

My last duty station while in the military was MSRONII or Maritime Expeditionary Security Squadron II. This squadron was seperated into three detachments. I was lucky enough to placed in the detachment 23, otherwise known as the Rabid Dogfish. Talk started going around about making a detachment logo, so I again turned on the think tank and came up with this. Enjoy.

Rebel Legion Logo

When the Rebel Legion was looking to create a logo for a Jedi Detachment, the name Serenity Temple was established. After this process, members started talking about ideas for a logo for this detachment. Now while I am not a Rebel Legion member, I have helped come up with logo's in the past and offered my services. This is what I came up with. The end result was a tad bit different, but generally the same. Enjoy.

Concord Dawn

Concord Dawn was my personal website until I got tired of paying for it. Once I found out that I could post my creations on a blog, all bets were off! But here are some of the webpage images I had created. The first is the classic Boba Fett symbol, and the second is my 4 year old made to look creepy. Enjoy.

Darth Maliss

I made this up for a member of the Sith Order one day. I thought it turned out pretty kool.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sith and Jedi Banners

When the Sith Order and New Jedi Order costuming groups were just getting started and organized, I went ahead and made website banners for both groups. Here are the banners.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Alt Nation

Most of you know that I like to play MMO's (Massively Mulitiplayer Online Game). I currently play Lord of The Rings Online and am in the Alt Nation Kinship (guild). Here are some kinship screencaps that I have also Photoshopped to give it a nice little twist.

XboX Gamer Tag

For all those that may game it up on the XboX 360, here is my Gamer Tag. the image is the same as my Call of Duty: Black Ops playercard.

Call of Duty: Black Ops

Here is another short compilation video from Black Ops. Hopefully soon I will add some more footage.

Call of Duty: Black Ops

So with Modern Warfare 3 releasing I have been neglecting Call of Duty Black Ops. So while i'm trying to find my grove in MW3, here is a compilation video from Black Ops.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Welcome to Gaming, Graphics, and Geekdom

To find out more about me, please ensure you read the “About Me” page. Links are located at
In the right hand side of the website.

Your flight attendant will be along shortly to offer you a drink and my complimentary nuts…

So…please ensure to put your trays in the upright position, buckle your seat belts, and hang on cause it’s going to be one hell of a ride!