Sunday, September 30, 2012


Today I announce that Gaming, Graphics, and Geekdom has a new home. That home is BRUGGLIFE.COM Most information on this blog will be transferred over soon. This new website will syndicate all blogs that I write in a way that I feel everyone will enjoy. I hope to see you there soon.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Draigoch Housing Item

Tonight we got a great surprise after defeating Draigoch. We got the outside housing statue! Here is a picture.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Draigoch Video

Since this raid takes about 45 minutes on a good day. I assume that you do not wish to watch 45 minutes of video. So here is the defeat of Draigoch. This video is of the Kinship I am a member in called Shadowed Nobility.

Friday, April 27, 2012

School, Work, and Lotro

Howdy peeps!

Small update for you. FINALS ARE DONE. Yes that is correct, I have finished my finals for the Winter 2011/12 semester. Still awaiting grades, but I am pretty sure I did pretty decent. Still waiting for my VA Workstudy paperwork to get finished so I can start, but word on the street is that there will be 6 spots open within the next 6-7 months and you can bet your bottom dollar I am going to be a contender. So hopefully full time employment will be achieved soon. And now on to Lotro. Not much new other than the fact that the Kinship I am in (Shadowed Nobility) is still running Draigoch Raids and working into the Tower of Orthanc raids. Also, my Hobbit Guardian is almost level 75! Woot.  Here is a screenie of some cosmetic pieces I am sporting around.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Hello everyone!
Sorry for not updating in awhile. Finals are coming up next week and this old man has had to hit the books in preparation. But, here is some gaming news.

Xbox time has been pretty non-existent. I have been really hitting Lord of The Rings online hard lately trying to get my Guardian Tank up to level cap before the expansion. 8 more levels to go and it will be time to start farming gear.

Life in the world of Elendilmir is pretty good. The kinship has beaten end game content such as Draigoch, and has started to learn the Tower of Orthanc wings. Screencaps of that to follow shortly.

But that is all for now. I leave you with lame ass pictures of my Lord of The Rings Online anniversary festival mount.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Draigoch, Eagles, and Randomness

Hey there my loyal and trustworthy followers! I know it's been awhile since I have posted on this thing, but here are some wonderful screencaps from Lord of The Rings Online. Most of these are taken in the new content "The Great River" update. Enjoy!

Draigoch the Dragon

Shadowed Nobility defeats Draigoch (Tier II)

Dead Draigoch

A nice view from the Roots of Fanghorn

Giant eagles are always a plus

I'm on FIRE!!!!

Look what I found

Chillin in Orthanc

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Been awhile...

So it's been a little while since I put up anything so I figured I would go with an update. First off, I have stopped playing Star Wars: The Old Republic and went back to Lord of The Rings Online. Why did I do this you ask? Well there are many reasons. One of them is money. While I'm still looking for a job it makes no sense to pay for a game that I am not really enjoying. The second reason is community. While I played the game with friends of mine, the community aspect of MMO gaming was just not there like in Lotro.

 So...I went back to Lotro and beasted out my Rune-Keeper with some good gear. I have completed some of the end game content by joining multiple pug Draigoch raids and getting the two gear pieces. I still have to complete the Tower of Orthanc raid, but once I do that I will have completed the end game content on my Rune-Keeper. I am current running an alt. This character is a Hobbit Guardian who is pretty bad ass. Since I skirmish leveled this guy to level 46 in efforts to skip all the boring content, I am not redoing all the content I skipped to catch up on my traits. But hopefully that will be done soon and I'll find myself in Moria soon.

 In other news, Im still rocking the Xbox by playing Red Dead Redemption and Modern Warfare III. Still going to school and rocking my classes. I just recently was sent letters inviting me to join The National Society OF Collegiate Scholars due to my grade point average. So that's pretty kool. And while doing all this, I'm still looking for a job. So that's about it for now. I promise to update this more...even though I don't think anyone reads this! LOL