Friday, April 27, 2012

School, Work, and Lotro

Howdy peeps!

Small update for you. FINALS ARE DONE. Yes that is correct, I have finished my finals for the Winter 2011/12 semester. Still awaiting grades, but I am pretty sure I did pretty decent. Still waiting for my VA Workstudy paperwork to get finished so I can start, but word on the street is that there will be 6 spots open within the next 6-7 months and you can bet your bottom dollar I am going to be a contender. So hopefully full time employment will be achieved soon. And now on to Lotro. Not much new other than the fact that the Kinship I am in (Shadowed Nobility) is still running Draigoch Raids and working into the Tower of Orthanc raids. Also, my Hobbit Guardian is almost level 75! Woot.  Here is a screenie of some cosmetic pieces I am sporting around.

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